Priority Buyer
How to become a Priority Buyer: If you are interested in either acquiring an operatimg franchised business or developing a new unit, visit this page. You will learn why becoming a priority buyer gives you a "first look" at opportunities that may meet your goals, experience and interest. All that is needed to become a priority buyer is found here.
New Franchises: If you are ineterested in finding out about new development opportunities offered by the Praetorian Group or want to link to many of the top franchises in the US, this page is a must visit.
Ask any buyer. The most important aspect to making acquisitions is access to the deals. If you don't know what is for sale, you will never have the opportunity to acquire.
As a Priority Buyer with Praetorian Group, you are a part of an elite group of acquirers. We already have your Priority Buyer information sheet and your Confidentaility & Non-Circumvention Agreement on file so we can disclose to you detailed information about a prospective acquisition. We understand your financial situation and contact you with only acquisition opportunities that fit your parameters such as size of transaction, concept and geographic preference.
Our reputation is derived from successes (closings). We do not take retainers from the sellers. We only earn our fees upon closing. For this reason, we only present acquisition opportunities to buyers we are highly confident have the operational and financial ability to close. We need to know you. We need to have a good understanding of your financial and operational abilities. This is very important
Priority Buyer Information Sheet
Priority Buyer Information Sheet (html version)
Confidentiality & Non-Circumvention Agreement
Confidentiality & Non-Circumvention Agreement (html version)
Statement of Net Worth (not initially required)
Statement of Net Worth (html version)
Authorization to obtain Credit Information (not initially required)
Authorization to obtain Credit Information (html version)
(requires Adobe Acrobat)
Nation's Restaurant News - http://www.nrn.com
Aamco - http://www.aamco.com
All Tune and Lube - http://www.alltuneandlube.com/
Big O Tires - http://www.bigotires.com/index.asp?PG=4&Sub=17
Cottman Transmission - http://www.cottman.com/home.cfm
Express Oil - http://expressoil.com/Franchise%20Main.html
Exxon/Mobil - http://www.exxonmobil.com/corporate/
Jiffy Lube - http://www.jiffylube.com/
JN Phillips Auto Glass - http://www.jnphillips.com/
Lee Myles - http://www.leemyles.com/franopp.html
Maaco Collision Repair & Auto Painting - http://www.maaco.com/
Meineke Car Care Center - http://www.meineke.com/
Midas - http://www.midas.com/
Precision Auto Care - http://www.precisionac.com/
Thornton’s Quick Café & Market - http://www.thortonsinc.com/
Valvoline Instant Oil Change - http://www.vioc.com/Educational
Huntington Learning Center - http://www.huntingtonlearning.com/franchise/
Sylvan Learning Center - http://www.educate.com/about/franchise_intro.cfm?PC=NWFRH-FSA-0201
Curves - http://buycurves.com/
Gold’s Gym - http://goldsgym.com/franchising/Food Industry
Food Industry
7-Eleven - http://www.7-eleven.com/franchising/franchising.asp
Au Bon Pain - http://www.aubonpain.com/franchise.html
Auntie Anne Pretzel’s - http://www.auntieannes.com/franchises/
Arby’s Restaurants - http://www.arbys.com/
Atlanta Bread - http://www.atlantabread.com/
Backyard Burgers - http://www.backyardburgers.com/aboutus/history/
Blimpie Subs - http://blimpie.com/
Bojangle’s - http://www.bojangles.com/bojangles/franchise/index.html
Bonanza Restaurants - http://www.bonanzarestaurant.com/index.html
Candy Bouquet - http://www.candybouquet.com/franchise/index.html
Captain D’s - http://www.captainds.com
Carvel Ice Cream - http://www.carvel.com/noflash.html
CG Subs - http://www.cgsubs.com
Checkers - http://www.checkers.com/index.asp
Cici’s Pizza - http://www.cicispizza.com/cicis/cicis12.html
Coffee Beanery - http://www.coffeebeanery.com/
Cold Stone Creamery - http://www.coldstonecreamery.com/main/index.asp
Cookies by Design - http://cookiesbydesign.com/aboutus_franchiseInfo.cfm?cob=tmAbtFran
Dairy Queen - http://www.dairyqueen.com/en-US/default.html
Denny’s - http://www.dennys.com
Dominos - http://www.dominos.com/dominos_pizza/home.nsf/vwContentByKey/W256MK28681DENNEN
Dunkin Donuts, Baskin Robbins, and TOGO’s Sandwich’s - http://www.dunkin-baskin-togos.com/html/home.asp
Edible Arrangements - http://www.ediblearrangements.com/
Friendly’s - http://www.friendlys.com/
Fuddrucker’s Hamburgers - http://www.fuddruckers.com/franchise.html
Golden Corral - http://www.goldencorralrest.com/FranchiseInfo.html
Great Harvest Bread Company - http://www.greatharvest.com/
Haagen Dazs - http://www.haagendazs.com/
Honey Baked Ham - http://www.honeybakedonline.com/HBOnline/home/home.asp?Ref=1242352:452320179
Huddlehouse Restaurants - http://www.huddlehouse.com/index_franchise.html
Hungry Howie’s - http://www.hungryhowies.com/
International House of Pancakes - http://www.ihop.com/
Jersey Mikes Sandwiches - http://www.jerseymikes.com/
Johnny Rockets Hamburgers - http://www.johnnyrockets.com/franchise/
Kahala Corp - http://www.kahalacorp.com/franchise.html
Kentucky Fried Chicken - http://www.kfc.com/
Krispy Kreme - http://www.krispykreme.com/
Krystal - http://www.krystalco.com/franchise/home.asp
Kohr Brothers - http://www.kohrbros.com/home.html
Little Caesars Pizza - http://www.littlecaesars.com/
Marble Slab Creamery - http://www.marbleslab.com/
National Restaurant News - http://www.nrn.com
New World Restaurant Group - http://www.newworldrestaurantgroup.com/index.cfm
Panera Bread - http://www.panerabread.com/about_franchise.aspx
Papa John’s Pizza - http://www.papajohns.com/
Papa Murphy’s Pizza - http://www.papamurphys.com
Pizza Inn - http://www.pizzainn.com/
Popeye’s Chicken - http://www.popeyes.com/
Quizno’s - http://www.quiznos.com
Red Robin - http://www.redrobin.com/
Rita’s Ice - http://www.ritasice.com/about.html
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory - http://www.rmcf3.com/sweetfranchise/departments/home/home.lasso
Schlotzsky’s Deli - http://www.schlotzskys.com/franchise.html
Sonic Drive in - http://www.sonicdrivein.com/index.jsp
Steak Escape - http://www.steakescape.com/frames.html
Subway - http://www.subway.com/subwayroot/development/index.aspx
Taco Bell - http://tacobell.com/
Taco Time - http://tacotime.com/
Uno’s Chicago Grill - http://unos.com/franch.html
Wendy’s - http://wendy.com/w-1-0.shtmlHospitality
Choice Hotels - http://www.choicehotelsfranchise.com/choice_flash.html
Days Inn - http://www.daysinn.com/DaysInn/control/home
Hampton Inn Hotel - http://hamptonfranchise.com/
Microtel Inn - http://www.microtelinn.com/franchise/index.asp
Radisson Hotels - http://www.radisson.com/aboutus/franchisedevelopment/home.jsp
Ramada - http://www.ramada.com/Ramada/control/franchise_info;jsessionid=A2eYdiS9mbRLv0nunoKsNfv5mqS9fncmK
Red Roof Hotel - http://www.accor-na.com/franchising_info/index.asp
Super8 - http://www.super8.com/Super8/control/franch_info;jsessionid=A2b1RtAyqMTMwq8
Professional Services
Amerispec Home Inspections - http://www.amerispecfranchise.com/
American Leak Detection - http://www.americanleakdetection.com/about.asp
Chem Dry - http://www.chemdry.com/
Cost Cutters - http://www.costcutters.com/franchising.html
Fantastic Sams - http://www.fantasticsams.com/
Great Clips - http://www.greatclipsfranchise.com/
Home Team Inspections - http://www.hmteam.com/
House Master - http://www.housemaster.com/
Jani king - http://janiking.com/franchisee/concept.asp
Lawn Doctor - http://www.lawndoctor.com/
Maid Brigade - http://www.maidbrigade.com/
Maid to Perfection - http://www.maidtoperfectioncorp.com/
Merry Maids - http://www.merrymaids.com/
Molly Maids - http://www.mollymaids.com/
Rainbow International Restoration &Cleaning - http://www.rainbowintl.com/corporate/
Service Master - http://www.ownafranchise.com/
ServPro - http://www.servpro.com
Supercuts - http://www.supercuts.com/biz.cfm
AlphaGraphics - http://www.alphagraphics.com/
Allegra Network Printing - http://www.allegranetwork.com/headquarters/Default.asp
Budget Blinds - http://www.budgetblinds.com/franchise/franchiseopportunity.asp?
California Closets - http://www.calclosets.com/index.cfm
Embroid me Embroidery - http://www.embroidme.com/
GNC - http://www.gnc.com/Default.aspx?lang=en
Grand Rental - http://www.grandrental.com/home_page.asp
Gymboree Play & Music - http://www.playandmusic.com/b2c/customer/franchisee.jsp
Kwik Kopy - http://www.kwikkopy.com/
Mailboxes Etc - http://www.mbe.com/
Moto Photo - http://www.motophoto.com/content_demo/window.php3
Nationwide Rental - http://nation-widerental.com/
Pak Mail - http://pakmail.com/franchise/
Play It Again Sports - http://www.playitagainsports.com/playitagainsports/myarticles.asp?S=7312&PubID=4332&P=3990
Pro Golf America - http://progolfamerica.com/
Radio Shack - http://www.radioshack.com/Information/Franchise/Domestic/DomesticFranchise.asp
Sign-a-Rama - http://www.signarama.com/
Signs Now - http://www.signsnow.com/
Sterling Optical - http://www.sterlingoptical.com/
The UPS Store - http://www.upsstore.com/franchise/fraopp.html
USA Baby - http://www.usababy.com/